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heredity information中文是什么意思

用"heredity information"造句"heredity information"怎么读"heredity information" in a sentence


  • 遗传信息


  • Heredity information array in genes is the four bases a , c , g , t array
    遗传信息在基因中的排列是指四种碱基a 、 c 、 g 、 t的排列。
  • A : it is now used mainly for medical purposes , but it can be used in any area where life heredity information can be utilized such as agriculture , forestry , export import control customs , etc . for instance , we can test the characteristics and purity of foods and medicines , etc . very simply and economically
  • That is , we can know one s inherited constitution , postnatal diseases , health , etc . the genome project is also reading heredity information of the human body , but in it , the scientists are looking into the structural pattern of dna ; however , the mrt reads the invisible polarity information , which is read by the energy form
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